Here’s how you do it:

1)     Sign up to audition at

2)     Print the Drama Contract below, read it, sign it and have it signed by a parent or guardian. BRING IT WITH YOU TO THE AUDITIONS! You will not be cast without this.

3)     Click the button below to look at the “sides.” These are parts of the script that auditioners will read at the auditions. Familiarize yourself with them to prepare for the audition.

4)     Click the button below to listen to the music. Pay close attention to tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8.

5)     Show up to the auditions on Tuesday March 7 at 2:45 SHARP! Dress in clothes you can move in for the dance portion of the auditions.

6)     The cast list will be posted online and on the callboard on Wednesday March 8 at 7:30 am. First rehearsal is THAT AFTERNOON!

Important Dates and Times:

March 7: Auditions 2:45-6 in the auditorium

March 8: First rehearsal, 2:30-6

March 8-April 28: Rehearsals, M-F 2:30-6. Not all actors will be called every day and we will not always rehearse all five days a week. Rehearsal schedules are made a week ahead of time and every effort is made to work around your schedule, but all actors should have at least three full afternoons (2:30-6) a week available to rehearse.

May 1-4: Tech week. EXPECT TO STAY AS LATE AS 9:00 PM

May 5, 6, 12, 13: Performances. Call time is 5:30